Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

New Blog, New Stories~

Hello there! 6(^0^)9

18 Years-old Girl, Accounting, and Business...

9th July 2012, I'm turned 18! That day was the most special day in my life. Not a happy day actually, but a nightmare... My family has to be live separated for a reason thath day. And now here I am! On 3rd September 2012, I met all new-college-student of Trisakti School of Management like me. I wasn't excited at all. Why? Because I hate accounting. Imagine how I can be survived in the environment I hate makes me so annoyed. Until now, I really want to back to time when I've to choose the right way....

At the past days, I reminded myself not to choose 3 majors at the future: Medical, Law, and Accounting Business. But now, I choose accounting. Why? I just think this is the God's way for me. For my humanity thought, I choose accounting because I feel accounting is the major which I can easily get job.

When you hate something, the thing will be so difficult even it's like turning the palm of the hand.....

So until now, I think accounting is a hard major and I need a miracle to face it.... :')

Miracle is another name for hard effort!

So I have to do my best to face the accounting business..... Ora et Labora~ ^^

New Blog, Thanks to TSM~ 

Well, actually I have my old blog which is I have my own blog since 2009, I think, and I just posted a few article because I prefer share my stories through Twitter and Facebook. Hehe~ 

I don't even think about having a new blog, because my old blog is abandoned. But I have the assignment to make a new blog from my lecturer of Computer Application at Trisakti School of Management, Mr. Dicky. I hope my design of my new blog is not too over for him. ^^

At the end, I hope this blog will be active in the future and can provide a lot of information about my life, my experience.

Happy Reading and God bless you~

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