Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

My Little Knowledge about The MONIAC

I have an assignment to find any information about something that related to Economic, Computer, and English. Hmm, I search via Google with keyword: economy computer. From many source I've found, I really feel that The MONIAC Computer is the best topic.

I want to share my knowledge about this analog computer. I take this article from wikipedia. Check this out! ^^

Definition of MONIAC

The MONIAC (Monetary National Income Analogue Computer) also known as the Phillips Hydraulic Computer and the Financephalograph, was created in 1949 by the New Zealand economist Bill Phillips (William Phillips) to model the national economic processes of the United Kingdom, while Phillips was a student at the London School of Economics (LSE), The MONIAC was an analogue computer which used fluidic logic to model the workings of an economy. The MONIAC name may have been suggested by an association of money and ENIAC, an early electronic digital computer.

Description of MONIAC

The MONIAC was approximately 2 m high, 1.2 m wide and almost 1 m deep, and consisted of a series of transparent plastic tanks and pipes which were fastened to a wooden board. Each tank represented some aspect of the UK national economy and the flow of money around the economy was illustrated by colored water. At the top of the board was a large tank called the treasury. Water (representing money) flowed from the treasury to other tanks representing the various ways in which a country could spend its money. For example, there were tanks for health and education. To increase spending on health care a tap could be opened to drain water from the treasury to the tank which represented health spending. Water then ran further down the model to other tanks, representing other interactions in the economy. Water could be pumped back to the treasury from some of the tanks to represent taxation. Changes in tax rates were modeled by increasing or decreasing pumping speeds.

Savings reduce the funds available to consumers and investment income increases those funds. The MONIAC showed this by draining water (savings) from the expenditure stream and by injecting water (investment income) into that stream. When the savings flow exceeds the investment flow, the level of water in the savings and investment tank (the surplus-balances tank) would rise to reflect the accumulated balance. When the investment flow exceeds the savings flow for any length of time, the surplus-balances tank would run dry. Import and export were represented by water draining from the model, and by additional water being poured into the model.

The actual flow of the water was automatically controlled through a series of floats, counterweights, electrodes and cords. When the level of water reached a certain level in a tank, pumps and drains would be activated. To their surprise, Phillips and his associate Walter Newlyn found that MONIAC could be calibrated to an accuracy of ±2 %.

The flow of water between the tanks was determined by economic principles and the settings for various parameters. Different economic parameters, such as tax rates and investment rates, could be entered by setting the valves which controlled the flow of water about the computer. Users could experiment with different settings and note the effect on the model. The MONIAC’s ability to model the subtle interaction of a number of variables made it a powerful tool for its time. When a set of parameters resulted in a viable economy the model would stabilize and the results could be read from scales. The output from the computer could also be sent to a rudimentary plotter.

MONIAC had been designed to be used as a teaching aid but was discovered also to be an effective economic simulator. At the time that MONIAC was created, electronic digital computers that could run complex economic simulations were unavailable. In 1949 the few computers in existence were restricted to government and military use. Neither did they have adequate visual display facilities, so were unable to illustrate the operation of complex models. Observing the MONIAC in operation made it much easier for students to understand the interrelated processes of a national economy. The range of organizations that acquired a MONIAC showed that it was used in both capacities.

Phillips scrounged a variety of materials to create his prototype computer, including bits and pieces from war surplus such as parts from old Lancaster bombers. The first MONIAC was created in his landlady’s garage in Croydon at a cost of £400.

Phillips first demonstrated the MONIAC to a number of leading economists at the LSE in 1949. It was very well received and Phillips was soon offered a teaching position at the LSE.

Video of MONIAC's Simulation

I've downloaded several videos about MONIAC from Youtube. Well, enjoy the videos!

I think that's all I know about The MONIAC Computer. Hope this information can help you guys..... ^^

Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

Jesus, K-Pop, Naruto, and Dream

In my life, there are 4 most aspects. My Christianity, my hobbies to K-Pop and Naruto, and my dream to travel around the world. Should I tell you one by one about those things? I should. ^^


He is my Greatest Father, my Great Teacher, and my only Savior. He is the focus of my life. His roles are so important for me and for my family. His sacrifice to wash out people's sins is so GREAT!I believe that all religions teach us about love and goodness. But, I have found the different in Christian. It has assurance and salvation. The assurance and salvation is JESUS.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. - John 14:6 (NIV)


I'm an K-pop addict. My mom and my younger brother are also addicted to K-pop things. I really love Super Junior and EXO, so I declared myself as ELF and EXOTIC (the fandom name of Super Junior and EXO)
In K-pop, there is a term called bias. Bias is another name of idol. My ultimate bias is Cho Kyuhyun from Super Junior and Park Chanyeol from EXO-K. While my mom's biases are the handsome-sexy men of Kpop, such as Choi Siwon from Super Junior, Kai from EXO-K, Minho from SHINee, and Nickhun from 2PM. For my younger brother, he likes rookie boyband, such as EXO, BAP, BTOB, B1A4, Boyfriend, etc.


I love Naruto so much! I've become a Narutoholic since I was in Junior High School. And now Naruto has almost reached an end. Naruto is an anime made by Masashi Kishimoto and told story about one boy that is avoided by the other children because of the Nine-Tailed Beast that remains inside his body. This anime teaches us about patience, willpower, and gentleness.


My dream is to be able to travel around the world. My first destination will be Holy Land, because it's my mom's dream. Second destination will be Korea and Japan. And I have target that when I reach 35 years old maximum, I have to be in Alaska to see Aurora ( natural light display in the sky particularly in the high latitude (Arctic and Antarctic) regions, caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere )

Pray for me so I can be able to fulfill my dream in the future! (^o^)9

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

New Blog, New Stories~

Hello there! 6(^0^)9

18 Years-old Girl, Accounting, and Business...

9th July 2012, I'm turned 18! That day was the most special day in my life. Not a happy day actually, but a nightmare... My family has to be live separated for a reason thath day. And now here I am! On 3rd September 2012, I met all new-college-student of Trisakti School of Management like me. I wasn't excited at all. Why? Because I hate accounting. Imagine how I can be survived in the environment I hate makes me so annoyed. Until now, I really want to back to time when I've to choose the right way....

At the past days, I reminded myself not to choose 3 majors at the future: Medical, Law, and Accounting Business. But now, I choose accounting. Why? I just think this is the God's way for me. For my humanity thought, I choose accounting because I feel accounting is the major which I can easily get job.

When you hate something, the thing will be so difficult even it's like turning the palm of the hand.....

So until now, I think accounting is a hard major and I need a miracle to face it.... :')

Miracle is another name for hard effort!

So I have to do my best to face the accounting business..... Ora et Labora~ ^^

New Blog, Thanks to TSM~ 

Well, actually I have my old blog which is I have my own blog since 2009, I think, and I just posted a few article because I prefer share my stories through Twitter and Facebook. Hehe~ 

I don't even think about having a new blog, because my old blog is abandoned. But I have the assignment to make a new blog from my lecturer of Computer Application at Trisakti School of Management, Mr. Dicky. I hope my design of my new blog is not too over for him. ^^

At the end, I hope this blog will be active in the future and can provide a lot of information about my life, my experience.

Happy Reading and God bless you~